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Ethan Cohen is pleased to announce: First We Take Manhattan, a group exhibition of artists selected by Isaac Aden as a continuation of his solo exhibition I Like America.  


Reflecting the curatorial aspect of Aden’s practice and, concurrent with the exhibition I Like America, Aden organized First We Take Manhattan; is based on the internationalist agenda of Leonard Cohen. By conflating the predetermined roles of “artist” and “curator” Aden questions the limits of both. Rather than looking to overarching aesthetic or theoretical relationships, the selection process has been based on individual relationships between each work on a one to one basis, creating a thread, which makes connections both cognitive and sensorial.


Participating artists include:


Joseph Ayers                                          

Jeff Conefry

Chajana denHarder

Nick Farhi

Derek Fordjour

Jeffrey Spencer Hargrave

Elektra KB

Andrew McNay

Irvin Morazan

Martin Roth

Gabriel J. Shuldiner

Wei Xiaoguang